Round Loch of Glenhead
Round Loch of Glenhead
  • Location: Galloway, south west Scotland
  • Type: Lake
  • Catchment area: 90 ha
  • Annual rainfall: c. 2300 mm
  • Lake area: 12.7 ha
  • Lake altitude: 298 m

Catchment Characteristics

The Round Loch of Glenhead, in Galloway Scotland, drains a catchment of 90 ha, which to the north and north-east rises to the steep cliffs of Craiglee and an altitude of 531 m. The catchment lies on the Loch Doon granite intrusion and the rocks include tonalite and those of a tonalite/granite transition. The catchment soils are dominated by deep peat and peaty podsols, with skeletal soils and bare rock characterising the steepest slopes.

The loch and its catchment lie in an area of high rainfall (c. 2300 mm).

The catchment is unafforested and the moorland vegetation is dominated by Molinia, Erica, Pteridium and Trichophorum and includes other species commonly associated with upland blanket mires such as Calluna, Nardus and Potentilla. This community was maintained by low-density sheep grazing and periodic burning until the late 1990s when Forest Enterprise in conjunction with Scottish Natural Heritage replaced the sheep with low numbers of cattle. Both the loch and catchment fall within the Merrick Kells Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and the Silver Flowe-Merrick Kells UNESCO biosphere reserve.

Site Characteristics

The site lies at 298 m altitude in the Galloway region of south-west Scotland. The loch is 12.7 ha in area and receives drainage from minor streams and catchment blanket peats. The outflow drains to the south-west into the Glenhead Burn and Loch Trool. The loch bathymetry indicates a single deep basin (maximum depth 13.5 m) offset to the south with slopes rising gently away from the southern shore. An island is located just off the western shore some 250 m from the outflow.

Data Distribution and Associated Networks

The loch, through the UK UWMN, is part of the UNECE International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes.

An automatic lake monitoring hydro-met station has been sited on the loch since 2005. As of 2011 this became part of the UK Lake Ecological Observatory Network.

Data plots

[collapsed title="Water chemistry"]

Round Loch of Glenhead chemistry graphs

Excess SO42- = all sulphate not derived from marine salts; Cl-  = chloride; NO3- = nitrate; DOC = dissolved organic carbon; Labile Al = inorganic monomeric (labile) aluminium; ANC = Acid Neutralising Capacity (determined by the difference (in equivalents) between total base cation concentration and total acid anion concentration); Gran Alkalinity = alkalinity determined by a Gran titration; Ca2+ = calcium; Mg2+ = magnesium.


[collapsed title="Epilithic diatoms"]

Round Loch of Glenhead diatom plot to 2022

Annual mean percentage abundance of the most common diatom taxa in replicate samples of the biofilm of stone surfaces. Taxa are arranged in the plot so that those that had their highest percentage abundances at the beginning of the monitoring record appear at the top of the figure, and those that have become most common at the end of the record appear at the bottom.


[collapsed title=Macroinvertebrates]

Round Loch of Glenhead macroinvertebrate plot

Abundance of the most common macroinvertebrate taxa as a percentage of all individuals collected in five bulked kick samples. Taxa are arranged in the plot so that those with their highest percentage abundances at the beginning of the monitoring record appear at the top of the figure, and those that have become most common at the end of the record appear at the bottom.



[collapsed title="Round Loch of Glenhead Bibliography"]

  • Oosthoek, S. (6-1-2016) Global browning: Why the world's fresh water is getting murkier. New Scientist (3055), 34-35. Reed Business Information, London.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Millidine, K. & Malcolm, I. A. (2016) UK Upland Waters Monitoring Network (UKUWMN) - Scottish Sites. Annual Summary Progress Report to SEPA. 1-139. ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Millidine, K. & Malcolm, I. A. (2016) The United Kingdom Upland Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2014-2015 (year 27). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-290. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Woolway, R. I., Jones, I. D., Maberly, S. C., French, J. R., Livingstone, D. M., Monteith, D. T., Simpson, G. L., Thackeray, S. J., Andersen, M. R., Battarbee, R. W., DeGasperi, C. L., Evans, C. D., de Eyto, E., Feuchtmayr, H., Hamilton, D. P., Kernan, M., Krokowski, J., Rimmer, A., Rose, K. C., Rusak, J. A., Ryves, D. B., Scott, D. R., Shilland, E. M., Smyth, R. L., Staehr, P. A., Thomas, R., Waldron, S. & Weyhenmeyer, G. A. (2016) Diel Surface Temperature Range Scales with Lake Size. PLoS ONE, 11, e0152466.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2015) Forestry, 'acid rain', and the acidification of lakes. In: Nature's Conscience: the life and legacy of Derek Ratcliffe, 385-400, Langford Press, Peterborough.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2015) Remote lakes: pristine or polluted. UK and Ireland Lakes Network annual conference, Abergavenny. 4th March 2015.
  • Curtis, C. J., Posch, M., Aherne, J., Folster, J., Forsius, M., Larssen, T. & Moldan, F. (2015) Assessment of Critical Loads of Acidity and Their Exceedances for European Lakes. In: Critical Loads and Dynamic Risk Assessments, 439-462, Springer Netherlands.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Shilland, E. M., Battarbee, R. W., Patrick, S. T. & Malcolm, I. A. (2015) 35 years of upland water quality monitoring in the UK: Foreseen events, unforeseen events, non-events and extreme events. 9th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Rochester, New York. October 19-23, 2015.
  • Evans, C. D. (2015) UK and international freshwater monitoring. Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala. 11th May 2015, Invited keynote. Meeting to mark 50 years of freshwater monitoring in Sweden, attended by the King and Crown Princess.
  • Garmo, O. A., de Wit, H. A., Høgåsen, T., Lund, E., Wright, R. F., Aherne, J., Arle, J., Colombo, L., Fölster, J., Hruška, J., Indriksone, I., Jeffries, D. S., Krám, P., Monteith, D. T., Paterson, A., Rogora, M., Rzychon, D., Steingruber, S., Stoddard, J. L., Talkop, R., Ulanczyk, R. P. & Vuorenmaa, J. (2015) Trends in water chemistry. In: ICP Waters Report 119/2015. Chemical and biological recovery in acid-sensitive waters: trends and prognosis, 8-39, NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Gray, C., Bista, I., Creer, S., Demars, B. O. L., Falciani, F., Monteith, D. T., Sun, X. & Woodward, G. (2015) Freshwater Conservation and Biomonitoring of Structure and Function: Genes to Ecosystems. In: Aquatic Functional Biodiversity: An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective, 241-262, Academic Press, Elsevier, London.
  • Juggins, S. (2-5-2015) Package 'rioja'. 1-61.
  • Juggins, S., Simpson, G. L. & Telford, R. J. (2015) Taxon selection using statistical learning techniques to improve transfer function prediction. The Holocene, 25, 130-136.
  • Monteith, D. T., Henrys, P. A., Evans, C. D., Malcolm, I. A., Shilland, E. M. & Pereira, M. G. (2015) Spatial controls on dissolved organic carbon in upland waters inferred from a simple statistical model. Biogeochemistry 1-15.
  • Monteith, D. T., Battarbee, R. W., Hildrew, A. G., Malcolm, I. A., Shilland, E. M., Evans, C. D. & Kernan, M. (2015) Hindered, stubborn or confused? Explaining the patchiness of biological responses to the declining acidity of surface waters. 9th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Rochester, New York. October 19-23, 2015.
  • Pearce-Higgins, J. W., BREWER, M. J., Elston, D. A., Martay, B., Powney, G. D., Isaac, N. J. B., Monteith, D. T., Henrys, P. A., Vaughan, I. P., Ormerod, S. J., Green, S., Edwards, F. K., Johnston, A., Bell, J. R., Harrington, R., Brereton, T. M., Barlow, K. E., Battarbee, R. W. & Shilland, E. M. (2015) BICCO-Net II. Final report to the Biological Impacts of Climate Change Observation Network (BICCO-Net) Steering Group. 1-69. Defra, London.
  • Rose, N. L. & Ruppel, M. (2015) Environmental Archives of Contaminant Particles. In: Environmental Contaminants, 187-221, Springer Netherlands.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Millidine, K. & Malcolm, I. A. (2015) UK Upland Waters Monitoring Network (UKUWMN) - Scottish Sites. Annual Summary Progress Report to SEPA. 1-124. ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Shilland, E. M., Woolway, R. I., Monteith, D. T., Rose, N. L., Yang, H., Malcolm, I. A., Millidine, K. J., Hildrew, A. G., Evans, C. D., Sime, I., Hatton-Ellis, T., Kernan, M., Patrick, S. T., Turner, S. D. & Battarbee, R. W. (2015) Tracking the impact of climate change on UK surface waters recovering from acidification. Poster. 9th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Rochester, New York. October 19-23, 2015.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2015) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty Seventh Year: 2014. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-13. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Woolway, R. I. (2015) Drivers, associations and consequences of the diel variability in high-resolution lake surface water temperature measurements. 1-351. Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London).
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2014) Upland waters in the UK: from acid rain to climate change. Seminar, University of St Andrews, March 26th 2014.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2014) SWAP: the aftermath. University of Bergen, April 25th 2014.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2014) The UK Upland Waters Monitoring Network: from acid rain to climate change. Scottish Freshwater Group, Stirling, March 27th, 2014.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Shilland, E. M., Kernan, M., Monteith, D. T. & Curtis, C. J. (2014) Recovery of acidified surface waters from acidification in the United Kingdom after twenty years of chemical and biological monitoring (1988-2008). Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 267-273.
  • Curtis, C. J., Battarbee, R. W., Monteith, D. T. & Shilland, E. M. (2014) The future of upland water ecosystems of the UK in the 21st century: A synthesis. Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 412-430.
  • Curtis, C. J. & Simpson, G. L. (2014) Trends in bulk deposition of acidity in the UK, 1988-2007, assessed using additive models. Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 274-286.
  • Escudero-Onate, C. (2014) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 1428:pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity, NO3-N, Cl, SO4,Ca, Mg, Na, K, TOC, Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. 1-88. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Fjellheim, A., Johannessen, A. & Svanevik Landes, T. (2014) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Biological intercalibration: Invertebrates 1713. ICP Waters Report 118/2014, 1-25. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Garmo, O. A., Skjelkvale, B. L., Wit, H. A., Colombo, L., Curtis, C., Folster, J., Hoffmann, A., Hruska, J., Hogasen, T., Jeffries, D. S., Keller, W. B., Kram, P., Majer, V., Monteith, D. T., Paterson, A. M., Rogora, M., Rzychon, D., Steingruber, S., Stoddard, J., Vuorenmaa, J. & Worsztynowicz, A. (2014) Trends in Surface Water Chemistry in Acidified Areas in Europe and North America from 1990 to 2008. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 225, 1-14.
  • Gray, C., Woodward, G. & Ma, A. (2014) Conserved substructure in a large collection of freshwater food webs as they recover from acidification. Poster. Joint British Ecological Society and Société d'Ecologie Annual Meeting. 11th December 2014, Lille, France.
  • Helliwell, R. C., Aherne, J., MacDougall, G., Nisbet, T. R., Lawson, D., Cosby, B. J. & Evans, C. D. (2014) Past acidification and recovery of surface waters, soils and ecology in the United Kingdom: Prospects for the future under current deposition and land use protocols. Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 381-395.
  • Malcolm, I. A., Bacon, P. J., Middlemas, S. J., Fryer, R. J., Shilland, E. M. & Collen, P. (2014) Relationships between hydrochemistry and the presence of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) in headwater streams recovering from acidification. Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 351-364.
  • Monteith, D. T., Evans, C. D., Henrys, P. A., Simpson, G. L. & Malcolm, I. A. (2014) Trends in the hydrochemistry of acid-sensitive surface waters in the UK 1988GÇô2008. Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 287-303.
  • Monteith, D. T., Shilland, E. M., Battarbee, R. W., Evans, C. D., Hildrew, A. G. & Malcolm, I. A. (2014) Recovery of water chemistry and biology in the UK: latest status and emerging issues. Proceedings of the 26th Meeting of the ICP Waters Task Force in Grimstad, Norway October 8-10 2014.
  • Murphy, J. F., Winterbottom, J. H., Orton, S., Simpson, G. L., Shilland, E. M. & Hildrew, A. G. (2014) Evidence of recovery from acidification in the macroinvertebrate assemblages of UK fresh waters: A 20-year time series. Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 330-340.
  • Rowe, E. C., Tipping, E., Posch, M., Oulehle, F., Cooper, D. M., Jones, T. G., Burden, A., Hall, J. & Evans, C. D. (2014) Predicting nitrogen and acidity effects on long-term dynamics of dissolved organic matter. Environmental Pollution, 184, 271-282.
  • Shibata, H., Branquinho, C., McDowell, W. H., Mitchell, M. J., Monteith, D. T., Tang, J., Arvola, L., Cruz, C., Cusack, D. F., Halada, L., Kopacek, J., Maguas, C., Sajidu, S., Schubert, H., Tokuchi, N. & Zahora, J. (2014) Consequence of altered nitrogen cycles in the coupled human and ecological system under changing climate: The need for long-term and site-based research. AMBIO 1-16.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Millidine, K. & Malcolm, I. A. (2014) UK Upland Waters Monitoring Network (UKUWMN) - Scottish Sites. Annual Summary Progress Report to SEPA. 1-123. ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Millidine, K. & Malcolm, I. A. (2014) The United Kingdom Upland Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2012-2013 (year 25). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-259. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Millidine, K. & Malcolm, I. A. (2014) The United Kingdom Upland Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2013-2014 (year 26). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-282. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Stockdale, A., Tipping, E., Fjellheim, A., Garmo, +. A., Hildrew, A. G., Lofts, S., Monteith, D. T., Ormerod, S. J. & Shilland, E. M. (2014) Recovery of macroinvertebrate species richness in acidified upland waters assessed with a field toxicity model. Ecological Indicators, 37, Part B, 341-350.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2014) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty Seventh Year: 2014. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-10. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Escudero-Onate, C. (2013) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 1327:pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity, NO3-N, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TOC, Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. 1-93. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Ferguson, A., Bradly, C., Ade, R., Roberts, C., Graham, J. & Prodöhl, P. (2013) The fall and rise of Galloway and Carrick trout. Salmo trutta , 10-13. The Wild Trout Trust, Waterlooville.
  • Shilland, E. M., Irvine, L., Malcolm, I. A. & Salgado, J. (2013) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2011-2012 (year 24). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-250. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Shilland, E. M. (2013) 25 Years of the Acid Waters Monitoring Network in Wales. Marine and Freshwater Evidence Workshop, Countryside Council for Wales HQ, Bangor. February 20th 2013.
  • Tunaley, C. (2013) The extent to which geology influences the recovery of acidified upland lochs monitored by the Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN). 1-81. Dissertation. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
  • Velle, G., Telford, R. J., Curtis, C. J., Eriksson, L., Fjellheim, A., Frolova, M., Fölster, J., Grudule, N., Halvorsen, G. A., Hildrew, A., Hoffmann, A., Indriksone, I., Kamasová, L., Kopácek, J., Orton, S., Krám, P., Monteith, D. T., Senoo, T., Shilland, E. M., Stuchlík, E., Wiklund, M. L., de Wit, H. & Skjelkvåle, B. L. (2013) Biodiversity in freshwaters: temporal trends and response to water chemistry. ICP Waters Report 114/2013, 1-66. NIVA, Norway.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2013) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty Sixth Year: 2013. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-13. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Allott, T. E. H., Evans, M., Rothwell, J., Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Crouch, T., Walker, J., Shilland, E. M. & Battarbee, R. W. (9-5-2012) Peatlands and water quality: degradation, restoration and the Water Framework Directive. Reducing the cost of the Water Framework Directive through Payments for Water Services. Valuing Nature Network Meeting. Leeds. 9th May 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2012) Lake sediments and the Anthropocene. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. October 22nd 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. & Shilland, E. M. (2012) Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN) to Upland Waters Monitoring Network (UWMN): tracking water quality and biodiversity in the Uplands. Joint EA/NE/CCW Lakes Workshop, Birmingham. Dec 4th 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2012) Acid Rain and acid lakes: an update. Cirencester Science and Technology Society, Royal Agricultural Society, Cirencester, June 13th 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2012) Upland waters in the UK - plans for the future. West Midlands and North West England Freshwater Group, Bolton. 20th April 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Bennion, H., Gell, P. & Rose, N. (2012) Human impacts on lacustrine ecosystems. In: The SAGE Handbook of Environmental Change. Part Four: Key Issues of Human-induced Environmental Changes and their Impacts, 583-606, SAGE Publications Ltd, London.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2012) Lake sediments and the Anthropocene. University of Iceland, Reykjavik. November 9th 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2012) Lake sediments and the Anthropocene. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing. October 17th 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. & Shilland, E. M. (2012) Acid Waters Monitoring Network to Upland Waters Monitoring Network: tracking water quality and biodiversity in the Uplands. Plenary 2. The FBA Annual Scientific Meeting 2012. Glasgow. 11th July 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Evans, C. D., Shilland, E. M. & Monteith, D. T. (2012) An Upland Waters Monitoring Network for the UK. Tracking changes in water quality and biodiversity in upland streams and lakes across the UK. Joint British Ecological Society and IUCN UK Peatland Programme Symposium 2012. Investing in Peatlands - Demonstrating Success. Poster. Bangor University. 26-28th June 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2012) Lake sediments and the Anthropocene. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou. October 25th 2012.
  • Battarbee, R. W. & Shilland, E. M. (2012) The Acid Waters Monitoring Network. Defra BICCO-Net Start-up Meeting, Thetford. November 14th 2012.
  • Dahl, I. (2012) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 1226:pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity, NO3-N, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TOC, Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. 1-92. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Duncan, W., Colvill, D. & Malcolm, I. A. (2012) UKTAG Acidification Environmental Standards. Report FTT017, 1-13. Water Framework Directive - United Kingdom Advisory Group (WFD-UKTAG).
  • Evans, C. D., Curtis, C. J., Monteith, D. T. & Reynolds, B. (2012) An Assessment of the Draft Forestry-Acidification Guide. Report to the Environment Agency. 1-18. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor.
  • Kernan, M., Simpson, G. L., Battarbee, R. W., Curtis, C. J. & Shilland, E. M. (2012) Biological Recovery Trajectories in acidified lakes and streams in the UK, 1988-2009. Waterbodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery (WISER) final conference. Tallinn, Estonia. 25-26 January 2012.
  • Malcolm, I. A., Bacon, P., Middlemas, S., Fryer, R., Shilland, E. M. & Monteith, D. T. (2012) Relationships Between Hydrochemistry And The Presence Of Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) In Headwater Streams Recovering From Acidification. 6th World Fisheries Congress: Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World. Edinburgh, Scotland. 7th-11th May 2012.
  • RoTAP. (2012) Review of Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication,Ground Level Ozone and Heavy Metals in the UK. Contract Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 1-292. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Penicuik.
  • Shilland, E. M., Irvine, L., Malcolm, I. A., Marazzi, L., Panizzo, V. N. & Salgado, J. (2012) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2010-2011 (year 23). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-239. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2012) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty Fifth Year: 2012. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Yang, H. & Flower, R. J. (2012) Effects of light and substrate on the benthic diatoms in an oligotrophic lake: a comparison between natural and artificial substrates. Journal of Phycology, 48, 1166-1177.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Simpson, G. L., Bennion, H. & Curtis, C. J. (2011) A reference typology of low alkalinity lakes in the UK based on pre-acidification diatom assemblages from lake sediment cores. Journal of Paleolimnology, 45, 489-505.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Curtis, C. J. & Shilland, E. M. (2011) The Round Loch of Glenhead: Recovery from acidification, climate change monitoring and future threats. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 469, 1-41. Scottish Natural Heritage, Inverness.
  • Dahl, I. & Hagebo, E. (2011) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 1125:pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity, NO3-N, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TOC, Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. 1-77. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Durand, P., Breuer, L. & Johnes, P. (2011) Nitrogen processes in aquatic ecosystems. In: The European Nitrogen Assessment. Sources, Effects and Policy Perspectives, 126-146, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Simpson, G. L., Shilland, E. M., Curtis, C. J., Battarbee, R. W., Patrick, S. T., Reynolds, B. & Helliwell, R. C. (2011) The UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: (20 years of research in 20 minutes…). 19th ICP Integrated Monitoring Task Force Meeting. Rome, Italy. 4-6th May 2011.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Fowler, D., Cape, J. N. & Brayshaw, S. (2011) Hydrochloric Acid: An Overlooked Driver of Environmental Change. Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 1887-1894.
  • Fjellheim, A., Johannessen, A. & Svanevik Landes, T. (2011) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Biological intercalibration: Invertebrates 1511. 1-27. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Friberg, N., Bonada, N., Bradley, D. C., Dunbar, M. J., Edwards, F. K., Grey, J., Hayes, R. B., Hildrew, A. G., Lamouroux, N., Trimmer, M. & Woodward, G. (2011) Biomonitoring of Human Impacts in Freshwater Ecosystems: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Advances in Ecological Research 1-68.
  • Garmo, O. A., Skjelkvale, B. L., Colombo, L., Curtis, C. J., Dubokova, I., Folster, J., Hoffmann, A., Hogasen, T., Jeffries, D., Keller, B., Majer, V., Paterson, A., Rogora, M., Rzychon, D., Srybny, A., Steingruber, S., Stoddard, J. L., Talkop, R., Vuorenmaa, J., de Wit, H. A. & Worsztynowicz, A. (2011) Trends in surface water chemistry in Europe and North America 1990-2008. In: Trends in precipitation chemistry, surface water chemistry and aquatic biota in acidified areas in Europe and North America from 1990 to 2008., 19-46, NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Kernan, M., Battarbee, R. W., Curtis, C. J., Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Shilland, E. M. & Simpson, G. L. (2011) Recovery of acidified lakes and streams in the UK, 1988-2009. 8th International Conference on Acid Deposition. Acid Rain 2011. Beijing, China. 15th-18th June 2011.
  • Neal, C., Rowland, P., Neal, M., Jarvie, H. P., Lawlor, A., Sleep, D. & Scholefield, P. (2011) Aluminium in UK rivers: a need for integrated research related to kinetic factors, colloidal transport, carbon and habitat. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 2153-2164.
  • Pla-Rabes, S., Flower, R. J., Shilland, E. M. & Kreiser, A. M. (2011) Assessing microbial diversity using recent lake sediments and estimations of spatio-temporal diversity. Journal of Biogeography, 38, 2033-2040.
  • Shilland, E. M., Irvine, L. & Malcolm, I. A. (2011) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2009-2010 (year 22). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-237. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Smith, P., Ashmore, M., Black, H., Burgess, P., Evans, C. D., Hails, R., Potts, S., Quine, T. & Thomson, A. (2011) Regulating services. In: The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report., 1-61, UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  • Tipping, E. & Carter, H. T. (2011) Aluminium speciation in streams and lakes of the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network, modelled with WHAM. Science of the Total Environment, 409, 1550-1558.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2011) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty Fourth Year: 2011. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Wright, R. F., Heliwell, R., Hruska, J., Larssen, T., Rogora, M., Rzychon, D., Skjelkvale, B. L. & Worsztynowicz, A. (2011) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Impacts of Air Pollution on Freshwater Acidification under Future Emission Reduction Scenarios; ICP Waters contribution to WGE report. ICP Waters Report 108/2011, 1-27. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (2010) Are our acidified upland waters recovering? Freshwater Biological Association News (No. 52. Winter 2010), 4-5. The Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Shilland, E. M. & Monteith, D. T. (2010) Tracking the biodiversity response of upland waters to environmental change: the value of the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network. Presentation. Beyond 2010: strategies for understanding and responding to long-term trends in UK biodiversity. Natural History Museum, London, UK. 16-17 November 2010.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Kernan, M., Monteith, D. T. & Curtis, C. J. (2010) Summary and Recommendations. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 279-293, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Curtis, C. J., Battarbee, R. W., Shilland, E. M., Simpson, G. L., Kernan, M. R. & Monteith, D. T. (2010) The UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: 20 Year Interpretive Report – a brief summary. Skjelkvåle, B. L., de Wit, H., and Jeffries, D. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of the ICP Waters Task Force in Burlington, Canada, October 19-21 2009, 29-35. NIVA, Oslo, Norway. NIVA Report No. 5995-2010. 19-10-2009.
  • Curtis, C. J. & Simpson, G. L. (2010) Acid Deposition Trends at AWMN Sites. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 31-52, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Curtis, C. J., Battarbee, R. W., Heliwell, R., Flower, R. J., Simpson, G. L., Monteith, D. T., Shilland, E. M., Aherne, J. & MacDougall, G. (2010) Recovery Progress: Reference Conditions and Restoration Targets. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 206-237, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Evans, C. D., Cooper, D. M., Monteith, D. T., Helliwell, R. C., Moldan, F., Hall, J. R., Rowe, E. C. & Cosby, B. J. (2010) Linking monitoring and modelling: can long-term datasets be used more effectively as a basis for large-scale prediction? Biogeochemistry, 101, 211-227.
  • Flower, R. J., Simpson, G. L., Kreiser, A. M., Yang, H., Shilland, E. M. & Battarbee, R. W. (2010) Epilithic Diatoms. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 97-111, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Helliwell, R. C. & Simpson, G. L. (2010) The present is the key to the past, but what does the future hold for the recovery of surface waters from acidification? Water Research, 44, 3166-3180.
  • Hildrew, A. G., Winterbottom, J. H., Orton, S., Murphy, J., Simpson, G. L. & Shilland, E. M. (2010) Macroinvertebrates. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 126-139, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Hovind, H. (2010) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 1024: pH, Cond, HCO3, NO3-N, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TOC, Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Zn. 1-77. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Johnson, R. K., Battarbee, R. W., Bennion, H., Hering, D., Soons, M. B. & Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2010) Climate Change: Defining Reference Conditions and Restoring Freshwater Ecosystems. In: Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems, 203-235, Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Kernan, M., Battarbee, R. W., Curtis, C. J., Monteith, D. T.& Shilland, E. M. (2010) UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 1-483, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Kernan, M., Monteith, D. T., Battarbee, R. W., Curtis, C. J., Shilland, E. M. & Simpson, G. L. (2010) Introduction. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 23-30, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Malcolm, I. A., Bacon, P., Middlemas, S., Collen, P. & Shilland, E. M. (2010) Salmonid Fish Populations. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 140-165, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Malcolm, I. A., Bacon, P., Middlemas, S., Collen, P. & Shilland, E. M. (2010) Acid Waters and salmonid populations. Presentation. Workshop on Forestry and Acidification at Forest Research, Northern Research Station, Midlothian, Scotland. Tue 9 Nov 2010.
  • McFarland, B., Carse, F. & Sandin, L. (2010) Littoral macroinvertebrates as indicators of lake acidification within the UK. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 20, S105-S116.
  • Monteith, D. T., Evans, C. D., Malcolm, I. A., Simpson, G. L. & Curtis, C. J. (2010) Hydrochemical trends at UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network sites and associated Scottish sites. Presentation. Workshop on Forestry and Acidification at Forest Research, Northern Research Station, Midlothian, Scotland. Tue 9 Nov 2010.
  • Monteith, D. T., Evans, C., Simpson, G. L. & Curtis, C. J. (2010) Hydrochemistry. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 53-96, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Rose, N. L. & Yang, H. (2010) Trace Metals. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 166-205, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Shilland, E. M., Irvine, L. & Malcolm, I. A. (2010) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2008-2009 (year 21). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-237. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Shilland, E. M. & Monteith, D. T. (2010) Aquatic Macrophytes. In: UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 Year Interpretative Report, 112-125, ENSIS Ltd, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Solheim, A. L., Austnes, K., Eriksen, T. E., Siefert, I. & Holen, S. (2010) Climate change impacts on water quality and biodiversity. Background Report for EEA European Environment State and Outlook Report 2010. ETC Water Technical Report 1/2010, 1-68. European Topic Centre on Water, Prague.
  • Stevenson, A. C. (2010) Age determination of sediment core RLGH3DAT, Round Loch of Glenhead, United Kingdom. Pangaea.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2010) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty Third Year: 2010. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Yang, H., Flower, R. J. & Battarbee, R. W. (2010) An improved coverslip method for investigating epipelic diatoms. European Journal of Phycology, 45, 191-199.
  • Curtis, C. J., Simpson, G. L., Battarbee, R. W. & Shilland, E. M. (2009) Challenges in Defining Critical Loads for Nutrient Nitrogen in UK Lakes. Poster at INI / COST729 Workshop: N deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. George Hotel Edinburgh. 16-18th November 2009.
  • Evans, C. D., Cooper, D. M., Helliwell, R. C., Aherne, J., Moldan, F., Hall, J. R., Rowe, E. C., Monteith, D. T., Moldan, F. & Cosby, B. J. (2009) Removing the disconnect between maps and time series: can long-term monitoring data be used more effectively as a basis for model upscaling? BIOGEOMON 6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour, University of Helsinki, Finland, 29 June - 3 July 2009.
  • Fjellheim, A. (2009) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Biological intercalibration: Invertebrates 1309. 1-32. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Hildrew, A. G. (2009) Sustained Research on Stream Communities: A Model System and The Comparative Approach, 175-312, Elsevier Academic Press Inc, San Diego.
  • Hovind, H. (2009) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 0923: pH, Cond, HCO3, NO3-N, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, TOC, Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Zn. 1-73. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2009) Recovery from acidification in the UK: reversing into uncharted waters? Presentation. Gordon Conference; Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry. Thresholds, Tipping Points and Non-Linearity: Integrated Catchment Science for the 21st Century. Proctor Academy. Andover, NH, USA. July 12-17, 2009.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2009) DOC losses: UK losses in an international context. Presentation, Inaugural Carbon Landscapes and Drainage (CLAD) meeting. Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland. 20 - 22 October 2009.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T. & Hutchins, M. (2009) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2007-2008 (year 20). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-205. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Stevenson, A. C. (2009) Pollen profile RLGH3DAT, Round Loch of Glenhead, United Kingdom. Pangaea.
  • WFD-UKTAG. (2009) UKTAG River Assessment Methods Benthic Invertebrate Fauna. Scottish Acid Water Indicator Community (SAWIC). 1-20. Water Framework Directive - United Kingdom Advisory Group (WFD-UKTAG), SNIFFER, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2009) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty Second Year: 2009. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Yang, H. (2009) Spatial and temporal patterns of benthic diatoms in an upland Scottish loch (the Round Loch of Glenhead): with reference to recent environmental changes. PhD thesis, Department of Geography. University College London, London.
  • Yang, H., Flower, R. J. & Battarbee, R. W. (2009) Influence of environmental and spatial variables on the distribution of surface sediment diatoms in an upland loch, Scotland. Acta Botanica Croatica, 68, 367-380.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Monteith, D. T., Juggins, S., Simpson, G. L., Shilland, E. M., Flower, R. J. & Kreiser, A. M. (2008) Assessing the accuracy of diatom-based transfer functions in defining reference pH conditions for acidified lakes in the United Kingdom. The Holocene, 18, 57-67.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Reynolds, B. & Clark, J. M. (2008) Buffering of recovery from acidification by organic acids. Science of the Total Environment, 404, 316-325.
  • Fjellheim, A. & Raddum, G. G. (2008) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Biological intercalibration: Invertebrates 1107. 1-30. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Flower, R. J. & Yang, H. (2008) Water quality and water availability variations in an upland Galloway loch with special reference to dissolved organic matter and the distribution of benthic diatoms. Research Report No. 123, 1-38. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Gardner, M. J. (2008) Long-term proficiency testing for the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network. Accreditation and Quality Assurance: Journal for Quality, Comparability and Reliability in Chemical Measurement, 13, 255-260.
  • Holden, P. B., Mackay, A. W. & Simpson, G. L. (2008) A Bayesian palaeoenvironmental transfer function model for acidified lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology, 39, 551-566.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2008) An update of the state of chemical and biological recovery in the UK (1988-2006). de Wit, H. A., Skjelkvale, B. L., and Jenssen, M. T. S. 19-23. NIVA, Oslo. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Proceedings of the 23 rd meeting of the ICP Waters Programme Task Force in Nancy, France, October 8 - 10, 2007. 8-10-2007.
  • Neal, C., Lofts, S., Evans, C. D., Reynolds, B., Tipping, E. & Neal, M. (2008) Increasing iron concentrations in UK upland waters. Aquatic Geochemistry, 14, 263-288.
  • NERC. (2008) Clear to brown: upland waters return to natural state. NERC Annual Review 2007-2008 , 11. Natural Environment Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon.
  • Skjelkvale, B. L. & de Wit, H. A. (2008) ICP Waters. 20 year with monitoring effects of long-range transboundary air pollution on surface waters in Europe and North America. NIVA Report SNO: 5684-2008, 1-55. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2008) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twenty First Year: 2008. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Aherne, J., Helliwell, R. C., Lilly, A., Ferrier, R. C. & Jenkins, A. (2007) Simulation of soil and surface water acidification: Divergence between one-box and two-box models? Applied Geochemistry, 22, 1167-1173.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (2007) Acid Waters Monitoring 2006 Report on Fish Studies. 1-34. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Curtis, C. J. & Simpson, G. L. (2007) Freshwater Umbrella - The effect of nitrogen deposition and climate change on freshwaters in the UK. Report to DEFRA under contract CPEA17. ECRC Research Report 115. ENSIS Ltd. University College London, London.
  • de Wit, H., Skjelkvale, B. L., Hogasen, T., Clair, T. A., Colombo, L., Folster, J., Jeffries, D., Laszlo, B., Majer, V., Monteith, D. T., Mosello, R., Rogora, M., Rzychon, D., Steingruber, S., Stivrina, S., Stoddard, J. L., Srybny, A., Talkop, R., Vesely, J., Vuorenmaa, J., Weiting, J. & Worsztynowicz, A. (2007) Trends in surface water chemistry 1994-2004. In: Trends in surface water chemistry and biota; The importance of confounding factors, 12-28, NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Wright, R. & Clark, J. (2007) Issues affecting upland water quality: Climate change, acidity, nitrogen and water colour. Kernan, M. R., Battarbee, R. W., and Binney, H. A. 21-25. ENSIS Publishing, University College London, London, London. Climate Change and Aquatic Ecosystems in the UK.
  • Evans, C. D., Hall, J. R., Rowe, E. C., Aherne, J., Helliwell, R. C., Jenkins, A., Hutchins, M., Cosby, J., Smart, S., Howard, D., Norris, D., Coull, M. C., Lilly, A., Bonjean, M. C., Broughton, R., O'Hanlon, S., Heywood, E. & Ullyett, J. (2007) Critical Loads and Dynamic Modelling Final Report. Report to the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under Contract No. CPEA 19. 1-53. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor, Wales.
  • Helliwell, R. C., Davies, J. J. L., Evans, C. D., Jenkins, A., Coull, M. C., Reynolds, B., Norris, D. & Ferrier, R. C. (2007) Spatial and seasonal variations in nitrogen leaching and acidity across four acid-impacted regions of the UK. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 185, 3-19.
  • Hovind, H. (2007) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 0721: pH, Cond, HCO3, NO3-N, C1, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Zn. 1-68. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Kaste, O., de Wit, H., Skjelkvale, B. L. & Hogasen, T. (2007) Nitrogen runoff at ICP waters sites 1990-2005. Increasing importance of confounding factors? In: Trends in surface water chemistry and biota; The importance of confounding factors, 29-38, NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Monteith, D. T., Stoddard, J. L., Evans, C. D., de Wit, H., Forsius, M., Hogasen, T., Jeffries, D. S., Kopacek, J., Skjelkvale, B. L., Vesely, J., Vuorenmaa, J. & Wilander, A. (2007) Increases in DOC in remote lakes and rivers. A signal of climate change or a return to pre-acidification conditions? In: Trends in surface water chemistry and biota; The importance of confounding factors, 39-49, NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Monteith, D. T. & Simpson, G. L. (2007) Macroinvertebrate classification diagnostic tool development. Final report to SNIFFER, Project WFD60. 1-84. SNIFFER, Edinburgh.
  • Monteith, D. T. & Shilland, E. M. (2007) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Assessment of the First 18 Years of Data. Data Summary Annex Accompanying Research Project Final Report. Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-276. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Monteith, D. T., Stoddard, J. L., Evans, C. D., de Wit, H. A., Forsius, M., Hogasen, T., Wilander, A., Skjelkvale, B. L., Jeffries, D. S., Vuorenmaa, J., Keller, B., Kopacek, J. & Vesely, J. (2007) Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature, 450, 537-540.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Hutchins, M. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (2007) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2006-2007 (year 19). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-203. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Simpson, G. L. (2007) Analogue methods in palaeoecology: Using the analogue package. Journal of Statistical Software, 22.
  • Skjelkvale, B. L. & de Wit, H. (2007) Trends in surface water chemistry and biota; The importance of confounding factors. 1-86. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2007) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twentieth Year: 2007. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Wright, R., Posch, M., Cosby, B. J., Forsius, M. & Skjelkvale, B. L. (2007) Review of the Gothenburg Protocol: Chemical and biological responses in surface waters and soils. 1-40. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (2006) Acid Waters Monitoring 2005 Report on Fish Studies. 1-30. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T., Chapman, P. J. & Clark, J. M. (2006) Dissolved organic carbon, sulphur and nitrogen: is everything connected to everything else? Presentation, BIOGEOMON 5th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA, 25-30 June 2006.
  • Evans, C. D., Chapman, P., Clark, J., Monteith, D. T. & Cresser, M. (2006) Alternative explanations for rising dissolved organic carbon export from organic soils. Global Change Biology, 12, 2044-2054.
  • Hovind, H. (2006) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 0620: pH, Cond, HCO3, NO3+NO2, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. 1-69. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2006) Acidification and the WFD: Designing a macroinvertebrate-based tool to determine the pressure of lake acidification in the UK. de Wit, H. A. and Skjelkvale, B. L. 56-58. NIVA, Oslo. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Proceedings of the 21st meeting of the ICP Waters Programme Task Force in Tallinn, Estonia. October 17-19, 2005. 17-10-2005.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2006) Links between regional scale climate variability and sea-salt episodes in the UK. Skjelkvale, B. L., Forsius, M., Wright, R., de Wit, H. A., Raddum, G. G., and Sjoeng, A. M. S. 12-13. NIVA, Oslo. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Joint Workshop on Confounding Factors in Recovery from Acid Depositon in Surface Waters, 9-10 October 2006, Bergen, Norway; Summary and Abstracts. 9-10-2006.
  • Monteith, D. T., Stoddard, J. L., Evans, C. D., de Wit, H. A., Forsius, M., Hogasen, T., Jeffries, D. S., Kopacek, J., Skjelkvale, B. L., Vesely, J. & Wilander, A. (2006) An International Assessment of Temporal Trends in Dissolved Organic Carbon and Likely Drivers. Presentation, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Summer Conference. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 4-9 June 2006.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T. & Battarbee, R. W. (2006) Recovery of Acidified Waters in the United Kingdom. Evidence from the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network. Special Theme - Restoration & Recovery of Fresh Waters. Poster. Freshwater Biological Association, FBA Annual Scientific Meeting 2006, Dorset.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Bonjean, M. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (2006) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2005-2006 (year 18). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-203. ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2006) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Nineteenth Year: 2006. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Wright, R., Cosby, B. J., Hagåsen, T., Larssen, T. & Posch, M. (2006) Critical Loads, Target Load Functions and Dynamic Modelling for Surface Waters and ICP Waters Sites. 1-35. NIVA, Oslo.
  • Anon. (2005) Long-term Chemical and Biological Monitoring Programmes. Report to FFA, SEERAD. 1-18. Fisheries Research Services, Faskally.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Monteith, D. T., Juggins, S., Evans, C. D., Jenkins, A. & Simpson, G. L. (2005) Reconstructing pre-acidification pH for an acidified Scottish loch: A comparison of palaeolimnological and modelling approaches. Environmental Pollution, 137, 135-149.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (2005) Acid Waters Monitoring 2004 Report on Fish Studies. 1-27. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Cooper, D. M. (2005) Evidence of sulphur and nitrogen deposition signals at the United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network sites. Environmental Pollution, 137, 41-54.
  • Curtis, C. J., Evans, C. D., Helliwell, R. C. & Monteith, D. T. (2005) Nitrate leaching as a confounding factor in chemical recovery from acidification in UK upland waters. Environmental Pollution, 137, 73-82.
  • Davies, J. J. L., Jenkins, A., Monteith, D. T., Evans, C. D. & Cooper, D. M. (2005) Trends in surface water chemistry of acidified UK Freshwaters, 1988-2002. Environmental Pollution, 137, 27-39.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T. & Cooper, D. M. (2005) Long-term increases in surface water dissolved organic carbon: Observations, possible causes and environmental impacts. Environmental Pollution, 137, 55-71.
  • Hovind, H. (2005) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 0519: pH, Cond, HCO3, NO3+NO2, C1, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Zn. 1-70. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Metcalfe, S. E., Derwent, D. (2005) Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2005) Chemical-biotic relationships observed on the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network 1988-2003. de Wit, H. A. and Skjelkvale, B. L. 69-80. NIVA, Oslo. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Proceedings of the 20th meeting of the ICP Waters Programme Task Force in Falun, Sweden. October 18-20, 2004. 18-10-2004.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2005) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network: a review of the first 15 years and introduction to the special issue. Environmental Pollution, 137, 3-13.
  • Monteith, D. T., Davies, J. J. L., Kreiser, A. M., Winterbottom, J. H. & Beaumont, W. R. B. (2005) Chemical and biological responses of acidified waters in the UK to acid emissions control: 1988–2003. Presentation at the Acid Rain 2005 conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 12-7-2005.
  • Monteith, D. T., Hildrew, A. G., Flower, R. J., Raven, P. J., Beaumont, W. R. B., Collen, P., Kreiser, A. M., Shilland, E. M. & Winterbottom, J. H. (2005) Biological responses to the chemical recovery of acidified fresh waters in the UK. Environmental Pollution, 137, 83-101.
  • Monteith, D. T., Simpson, G. L., Chandler, R. E. & Evans, C. D. (2005) Partitioning the influences of hydrology, seasalts, temperature and acid deposition on the acidity of recovering lakes in the UK. Presentation at the Acid Rain 2005 conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 12-7-2005.
  • Neal, C., Neal, M., Reynolds, B., Maberly, S. C., May, L., Ferrier, R. C., Smith, J. & Parker, J. E. (2005) Silicon concentrations in UK surface waters. Journal of Hydrology, 304, 75-93.
  • Rose, N. L. & Appleby, P. G. (2005) Regional Applications of Lake Sediment Dating by Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particle Analysis I: United Kingdom. J Paleolimnol, 34, 349-361.
  • Rose, N. L. & Monteith, D. T. (2005) Temporal trends in spheroidal carbonaceous particle deposition derived from annual sediment traps and lake sediment cores and their relationship with non-marine sulphate. Environmental Pollution, 137, 151-163.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Bonjean, M. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (2005) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2004-2005 (year 17). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-188. ENSIS Ltd., London.
  • Simpson, G. L., Shilland, E. M., Winterbottom, J. H. & Keay, J. (2005) Defining reference conditions for acidified waters using a modern analogue approach. Environmental Pollution, 137, 119-133.
  • Winterbottom, J. H., Orton, S. E. & Wilcock, H. R. (2005) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Eighteenth Year: 2005. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-11. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (2004) Acid Waters Monitoring 2003 Report on Fish Studies. 1-27. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Curtis, C. J. & Simpson, G. L. (2004) Summary of research under Defra contract "Recovery of Acidified Waters in the UK" EPG/1/3/183. Final Report. ECRC Research Report No. 98, 1-362. Environmental Change Research Centre, UCL, London.
  • Hovind, H. (2004) International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Intercomparison 0418: pH,K25,HCO3, NO3+NO2, Cl, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. 1-69. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Jones, R. I., King, L., Dent, M. M., Maberly, S. C. & Gibson, C. E. (2004) Nitrogen stable isotope ratios in surface sediments, epilithon and macrophytes from upland lakes with differing nutrient status. Freshwater Biology, 49, 382-391.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2004) Evidence for the recovery of freshwater lakes and streams in the UK from acidification, based on the analysis of data from the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network (1988-2003). Skjelkvale, B. L. 38-39. NIVA, Oslo. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes. Proceedings of the 19th meeting of the ICP Waters Programme Task Force in Lugano, Switzerland. October 18-20, 2003. 18-10-2003.
  • Raddum, G. G., Erikson, L., Fott, J., Halvorsen, G. A., Heegard, E., Kohout, L., Kifinger, B., Schaumberg, J., Maetze, A. & Zahn, H. (2004) Recovery from acidification of invertebrate fauna at ICP Water sites in Europe and North America. 1-56. NIVA, Oslo.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Bonjean, M. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (2004) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2003-2004 (year 16). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160). 1-188. ENSIS Ltd., London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H., Orton, S. E. & Wilcock, H. R. (2004) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Seventeenth Year: 2004. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-11. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Worrall, F., Harriman, R., Evans, C. D., Watts, C. D., Adamson, J., Neal, C., Tipping, E., Burt, T., Grieve, I., Monteith, D., Naden, P. S., Nisbet, T., Reynolds, B. & Stevens, P. (2004) Trends in dissolved organic carbon in UK rivers and lakes. Biogeochemistry, 70, 369-402.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (2003) Acid Waters Monitoring 2002 Report on Fish Studies. 1-25. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Cooper, D. M. & Jenkins, A. (2003) Response of acid lakes in the UK to reductions in atmospheric deposition of sulfur. Science of the Total Environment, 313, 91-100.
  • Harriman, R., Watt, A. W., Christie, A. E. G., Moore, D. W., McCartney, A. G. & Taylor, E. M. (2003) Quantifying the effects of forestry practices on the recovery of upland streams and lochs from acidification. Science of the Total Environment, 310, 101-111.
  • Maberly, S. C., King, L., Gibson, C. E., May, L., Jones, R. I., Dent, M. M. & Jordan, C. (2003) Linking nutrient limitation and water chemistry in upland lakes to catchment characteristics. Hydrobiologia, 506-509, 83-91.
  • Neal, C., Neal, M., Davies, H. & Smith, J. (2003) Fluoride in UK rivers. The Science of The Total Environment, 314-316, 209-231.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Smith, J. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (2003) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2002-2003 (year 15). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160) and the Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (Contract CON 4/4 (38)). 1-178. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2003) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Sixteenth Year: 2003. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-11. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (2002) Acid Waters Monitoring 2001 Report on Fish Studies. 1-14. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (2002) Acid Waters Monitoring 2001 Report on Fish Studies: Addendum. 1-8. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Doughty, C. R., Boon, P. J. & Maitland, P. S. (2002) The state of Scotland's fresh waters. In: The State of Scotland's Environment and Natural Heritage, 117-144, The Stationery Office, Edinburgh.
  • Evans, C. D. & Monteith, D. T. (2002) Natural and anthropogenic changes in the chemistry of six UK mountain lakes, 1988 to 2000. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus 2(2), 33-46.
  • Ferrier, R. C. & Edwards, A. C. (2002) Sustainability of Scottish water quality in the early 21st century. Science of the Total Environment, 294, 57-71.
  • Maberly, S. C., King, L., Dent, M. M., Jones, R. I. & Gibson, C. E. (2002) Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton and periphyton growth in upland lakes. Freshwater Biology, 47, 2136-2152.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Smith, J. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (2002) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2000-2001 (year 13). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160) and the Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (Contract CON 4/4 (38)). 1-178. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Shilland, E. M., Monteith, D. T., Smith, J. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (2002) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2001-2002 (year 14). Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Contract EPG 1/3/160) and the Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (Contract CON 4/4 (38)). 1-178. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. E. (2002) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Fifteenth Year: 2002. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-11. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. & McDonnell, N. (2001) Acid Waters Monitoring 2000 Report on Fish Studies. 1-18. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • CLAM. (2001) Summary of Research under DETR Contract "Acidification of freshwaters: the role of nitrogen and the prospects for recovery", EPG1/3/117. Curtis, C. J. and Simpson, G. Research Report No. 79. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London.
  • Curtis, C. J. & Simpson, G. L. (2001) Summary of research under DETR contract "Acidification of freshwaters:the role of nitrogen and the prospects for recovery" EPG/1/3/117. Work package 1: Nitrogen. Research Report No. 79, 1-149. Environmental Change Research Centre, UCL, London.
  • Curtis, C. J. & Simpson, G. L. (2001) Summary of research under DETR contract "Acidification of freshwaters:the role of nitrogen and the prospects for recovery" EPG/1/3/117. Work package 2: Recovery. Research Report No. 79, 1-222. Environmental Change Research Centre, UCL, London.
  • Edwards, K. J. & Whittington, G. (2001) Lake sediments, erosion and landscape change during the Holocene in Britain and Ireland. Catena, 42, 143-173.
  • Evans, C. D., Monteith, D. T. & Harriman, R. (2001) Long-term variability in the deposition of marine ions at west coast sites in the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: impacts on surface water chemistry and significance for trend determination. The Science of The Total Environment, 265, 115-129.
  • Evans, C. D., Harriman, R., Monteith, D. T. & Jenkins, A. (2001) Assessing the suitability of Acid Neutralising Capacity as a measure of long-term trends in acidic waters based on two parallel datasets. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 1541-1546.
  • Evans, C. D. & Monteith, D. T. (2001) Chemical trends at lakes and streams in the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network, 1988-2000: Evidence for recent recovery at a national scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 351-366.
  • Evans, C. D., Jenkins, A., Helliwell, R., Ferrier, R. & Collins, R. (2001) Freshwater Acidification and Recovery in the United Kingdom. 1-80. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford.
  • Evans, C. D., Cullen, J. M., Alewell, C., Kopacek, J., Marchetto, A., Moldan, F., Prechtel, A., Rogora, M., Vesely, J. & Wright, R. (2001) Recovery from acidification in European surface waters. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 283-297.
  • Harriman, R., Watt, A. W., Christie, A. E. G., Collen, P., Moore, D. W., McCartney, A. G., Taylor, E. M. & Watson, J. (2001) Interpretation of trends in acidic deposition and surface water chemistry in Scotland during the past three decades. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 407-420.
  • Jenkins, A. & Cullen, J. M. (2001) An Assessment of the potential impact of the Gothenburg Protocol on surface water chemistry using the dynamic MAGIC model at acid sensitive sites in the UK. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 529-541.
  • Monteith, D. T. & Evans, C. D. (2001) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network. 1-24. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, London.
  • Monteith, D. T. (2001) Proceedings of the 16th meeting of the ICP Waters Programme Task Force in Riga, Latvia, October 18-20 2000. Lyulko, I, Berg, P., and Skjelkvåle, B. L. 1-40. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
  • Monteith, D. T., Evans, C. D. & Patrick, S. (2001) Monitoring acid waters in the UK: 1988-1998 Trends. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 1307-1312.
  • NEGTAP. (2001) Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK. 1-314. Department For Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (2001) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Fourteenth Year: 2001. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-11. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. & Ingram, A. (2000) Acid Waters Monitoring 1999 Report on Fish Studies. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Monteith, D. T. & Evans, C. D. (2000) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network 10 Year Report. Analysis and Interpretation of Results, April 1988 - March 1998. Monteith, D. T. and Evans, C. D. 1-364. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Stevenson, A. C. & Rhodes, A. N. (2000) Palaeoenvironmental evaluation of the importance of fire as a cause for Calluna loss in the British Isles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 164, 195-206.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (2000) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Thirteenth Year: 2000. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-11. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Anon. (1999) Air and Atmosphere. In 'Quality of Life Counts.Indicators for a strategy for sustainable development for the United Kingdom: a baseline assessment.'. 181-190. UK Government Statistical Service, London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C., Sturgess, P. & Pinder, A. (1999) Acid Waters Monitoring Report on Fish Studies 1988-1997. 1-129. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Dorset.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. & Sturgess, P. (1999) Acid Waters Monitoring 1998 Report on Fish Studies. 1-26. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Dorset.
  • Curtis, C. J., Murlis, J., Battarbee, R. W., Bull, K., Campbell, G., Fowler, D., Jenkins, A., Monteith, D. T., Ormerod, S. & Reynolds, B. (1999) Acid deposition in the UK: a review of environmental damage and recovery prospects. NSCA Occasional Paper No.1, 1-28. National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection, Brighton.
  • Henderson, P. A. (1999) Atmospheric Deposition of Heavy Metals: an assessment of monitoring in the UK with reference to critical loads and forthcoming legislation. A scoping study produced for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) as part of the Critical LoadsAcidity and Metals programme (contract no. EPG 1/3/117 [AQ 17/8/307]). ENSIS Ltd. University College London, London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (1999) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Twelth Year: 1999. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-10. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. & Pinder, A. (1998) Acid Waters Monitoring 1997 Report on Fish Studies. 1-27. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Helliwell, R. C., Ferrier, R. C. & Jenkins, A. (1998) A two-layer application of the MAGIC model to predict the effects of land use scenarios and reductions in deposition on acid sensitive soils in the UK. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2, 497-507.
  • Jenkins, A., Helliwell, R. C., Swingewood, P. J., Sefton, C., Renshaw, M. & Ferrier, R. C. (1998) Will reduced sulphur emissions under the Second Sulphur Protocol lead to recovery of acid sensitive sites in UK? Environmental Pollution, 99, 309-318.
  • Monteith, D. T., Evans, C. D., Beaumont, W. R. C. & Delinikajtis, C. (1998) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1997-1998 (year 10). Report to the DETR and the DoE Northern Ireland. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Monteith, D. T., Renshaw, M. & Patrick, S. T. (1998) Monitoring the long term chemical and biological response to changing sulphur and nitrogen emissions of sensitive waters, United Kingdom. Headwaters: Water Resources and Soil Conservation 111-125.
  • Rose, N. L. & Harlock, S. (1998) The Spatial Distribution of Characterised Fly-Ash Particles and Trace Metals in Lake Sediments and Catchment Mosses in the United Kingdom. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 106, 287-308.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (1998) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Eleventh Year: 1998. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-10. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. & Bradley, D. C. (1997) Acid Waters Monitoring 1996 Report on Fish Studies. 1-36. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Dorset.
  • Bryant, C. L., Farmer, J. G., MacKenzie, A. B., BaileyWatts, A. E. & Kirika, A. (1997) Manganese behavior in the sediments of diverse Scottish freshwater lochs. Limnology and Oceanography, 42, 918-929.
  • Flower, R. J., Juggins, S. & Battarbee, R. W. (1997) Matching diatom assemblages in lake sediment cores and modern surface sediment samples: The implications for lake conservation and restoration with special reference to acidified systems. Hydrobiologia, 344, 27-40.
  • Monteith, D. T., Renshaw, M., Evans, C. D. & Patrick, S. T. (1997) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1996-1997 (year 9). Report to the DoE and the DoE Northern Ireland. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (1997) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Tenth Year: 1997. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-10. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (1996) Acid Waters Monitoring 1995 Report on Fish Studies. 1-25. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Dorset.
  • Campbell, G. W. & Lee, D. S. (1996) Atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen species in the UK. Freshwater Biology, 36, 151-167.
  • Jenkins, A., Boorman, D. & Renshaw, M. (1996) The UK acid waters monitoring network: An assessment of chemistry data, 1988-93. Freshwater Biology, 36, 169-178.
  • Juggins, S., Flower, R. J. & Battarbee, R. W. (1996) Palaeolimnological evidence for recent chemical and biological changes in UK acid waters monitoring network sites. Freshwater Biology, 36, 203-219.
  • Lancaster, J., Real, M., Juggins, S., Monteith, D. T., Flower, R. J. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (1996) Monitoring temporal changes in the biology of acid waters. Freshwater Biology, 36, 179-201.
  • Lancaster, J. & Patrick, S. (1996) The UK acid waters monitoring network: A preface. Freshwater Biology, 36, 129-130.
  • Monteith, D. T., Renshaw, M., Beaumont, W. R. C. & Patrick, S. T. (1996) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1995-1996 (year 8). Report to the DoE and the DoE Northern Ireland. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Patrick, S., Battarbee, R. W. & Jenkins, A. (1996) Monitoring acid waters in the UK: An overview of the UK acid waters monitoring network and summary of the first interpretative exercise. Freshwater Biology, 36, 131-150.
  • Rhodes, A. N. (1996) Moorland Fire History from Microscopic Charcoal in Soils and Lake Sediments. 1-280. Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (1996) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Ninth Year: 1996. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-10. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Anderson, N. J. (1995) Using the past to predict the future: lake sediments and the modelling of limnological disturbance. Ecological Modelling, 78, 149-172.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Allott, T. E. H., Bull, K., Christie, A. E. G., Curtis, C. J., Flower, R. J., Hall, J. R., Harriman, R., Jenkins, A., Juggins, S., Kreiser, A. M., Metcalfe, S. E., Ormerod, S. J. & Patrick, S. T. (1995) Critical Loads of Acid Deposition for United Kingdom Freshwaters. Critical Loads Advisory Group. Sub group Report on Freshwaters. 1-80. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (Edinburgh Research Station), Penicuik.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (1995) Acid Waters Monitoring 1994 Report on Fish Studies. 1-26. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Dorset.
  • Jenkins, A., Campbell, G., Renshaw, M., Boorman, D., Stedman, J. & Patrick, S. (1995) Surface water acidification in the UK; Current status, recent trends and future predictions. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 85, 565-570.
  • Jenkins, A. (1995) Freshwater Recovery and Future Trends. Battarbee, R. W. 61-67. ENSIS Ltd, London. Acid Rain and Its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. 17-9-1993.
  • Monteith, D. T., Renshaw, M. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (1995) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1994-1995 (year 7). Report to the DoE and the DoE Northern Ireland. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Patrick, S. T., Monteith, D. T. & Jenkins, A. (1995) UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: The first five years. Analysis and interpretation of results, April 1988 - March 1993. 1-320. ENSIS Publishing, London.
  • Rose, N. L., Harlock, S., Appleby, P. G. & Battarbee, R. W. (1995) Dating of recent lake sediments in the United Kingdom and Ireland using spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) concentration profiles. The Holocene, 5, 328-335.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (1995) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Eighth Year: 1995. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-10. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. & Miles, L. (1994) Acid Waters Monitoring 1993 Report on Fish Studies. 1-42. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Dorset.
  • Hutchinson, S. M. (1994) Chernobyl radiocaesium in upland watershed-lake systems, Galloway, south west Scotland. Journal of Paleolimnology, 10, 169-180.
  • Monteith, D. T., Renshaw, M., Beaumont, W. R. C. & Patrick, S. T. (1994) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1993-1994 (year 6). Report to the DoE and the DoE Northern Ireland. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (1994) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Seventh Year: 1994. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-9. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Wesfield College (University of London), London.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (1993) Acid Waters Monitoring 1992 Report on Fish Studies. 1-18. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Dorset.
  • Brodin, Y. W. & Gransberg, M. (1993) Responses of Insects, Especially Chironomidae (Diptera), and Mites to 130 Years of Acidification in A Scottish Lake. Hydrobiologia, 250, 201-212.
  • Bryant, C. L., Farmer, J. G., MacKenzie, A. B., BaileyWatts, A. E. & Kirika, A. (1993) Distribution and Behavior of Radiocesium in Scottish Fresh-Water Loch Sediments. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 15, 153-161.
  • Jones, V., Battarbee, R. & Hedges, R. (1993) The use of chironomid remains for AMS 14C dating of lake sediments. Holocene, 3, 161-163.
  • Juggins, S., Shaw, C., Patrick, S. T., Monteith, D. T., Beaumont, W. R. C. & Reed, J. (1993) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1992-1993 (year 5). Report to the DoE and the DoE Northern Ireland. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Lancaster, J., Winterbottom, J. H. & Orton, S. (1993) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Sixth Year: 1993. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-9. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary & Westfield College (University of London), London.
  • Rose, N. L. (1-1-1993) An Assessment of the Potential of the United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network to Monitor the Impact of Atmospheric Trace metals and Persistent Organic Compounds on Freshwaters. 1-87. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, London. Research Papers No 9.
  • Sugden, C. L. (1993) Isotopic studies of the environmental chemistry of lead . Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Edinburgh.
  • Allott, T. E. H., Harriman, R. & Battarbee, R. W. (1992) Reversibility of Lake Acidification at the Round Loch of Glenhead, Galloway, Scotland. Environmental Pollution, 77, 219-225.
  • Beaumont, W. R. C. (1992) Acid Waters Monitoring 1991 Report on Fish Studies. 1-16. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Dorset.
  • Juggins, S., Shaw, C., Patrick, S. T., Monteith, D. T., Beaumont, W. R. C. & Reed, J. (1992) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1991-1992 (year 4). Report to the DoE and the DoE Northern Ireland. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Lancaster, J., Winterbottom, J. H. & Edmonds-Brown, V. (1992) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Fifth Year: 1992. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-10. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College (University of London), London.
  • Juggins, S., Waters, D., Patrick, S. T. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (1991) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1990-1991 (year 3). Report to the DoE and the DoE Northern Ireland. 1-124. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Lancaster, J., Edmonds-Brown, V. & Winterbottom, J. H. (1991) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Fourth Year: 1991. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-12. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College (University of London), London.
  • Patrick, S. T., Waters, D., Juggins, S. & Jenkins, A. (1991) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network. Site descriptions and methodology report. 1-63. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Appleby, P. G., Richardson, N., Nolan, P. J. & Oldfield, F. (1990) Radiometric Dating of the United Kingdom SWAP Sites. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 233-238.
  • Battarbee, R. W. (1990) The Causes of Lake Acidification, with Special Reference to the Role of Acid Deposition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 339-345.
  • Battarbee, R. W. & Renberg, I. (1990) The Surface Water Acidification Project (SWAP) Palaeolimnology Programme. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 227-232.
  • Birks, H. J. B., Line, J. M., Juggins, S., Stevenson, A. C. & Braak, C. J. F. T. (1990) Diatoms and pH Reconstruction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 263-278.
  • Brodin, Y. W. (1990) Midge Fauna Development in Acidified Lakes in Northern Europe. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 295-298.
  • Dobson, M. K., Edmonds-Brown, V. & Grodzinska, M. (1990) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Third Year: 1990. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-15. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College (University of London), London.
  • Flower, R. J., Cameron, N. G., Rose, N., Fritz, S. C., Harriman, R. & Stevenson, A. C. (1990) Post-1970 Water-Chemistry Changes and Palaeolimnology of Several Acidified Upland Lakes in the U.K. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 427-433.
  • Jenkins, A., Whitehead, P. G., Cosby, B. J. & Birks, H. J. B. (1990) Modelling Long-Term Acidification: A Comparison with Diatom Reconstructions and the Implications for Reversibility. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 435-439.
  • Jones, V. J., Kreiser, A. M., Appleby, P. G., Brodin, Y. W., Dayton, J., Natkanski, J. A., Richardson, N., Rippey, B., Sandoy, S. & Battarbee, R. W. (1990) The Recent Palaeolimnology of Two Sites with Contrasting Acid-Deposition Histories. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 397-402.
  • Juggins, S., Waters, D., Patrick, S. T., Jenkins, A. & Beaumont, W. R. C. (1990) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 1989-1990 (year 2). Report to the DoE. 1-101. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Patrick, S. T., Timberlid, J. A. & Stevenson, A. C. (1990) The Significance of Land-Use and Land-Management Change in the Acidification of Lakes in Scotland and Norway: An Assessment Utilizing Documentary Sources and Pollen Analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 363-367.
  • Rippey, B. (1990) Sediment Chemistry and Atmospheric Contamination. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 311-317.
  • Stevenson, A. C., Jones, V. J. & Battarbee, R. W. (1990) The Cause of Peat Erosion - A Paleolimnological Approach. New Phytologist, 114, 727-735.
  • Wik, M. & Natkanski, J. (1990) British and Scandinavian Lake Sediment Records of Carbonaceous Particles from Fossil-Fuel Combustion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.Series B, Biological Sciences Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification, 327, 319-323.
  • Battarbee, R. W., Stevenson, A. C., Rippey, B., Fletcher, C., Natkanski, J., Wik, M. & Flower, R. J. (1989) Causes of Lake Acidification in Galloway, South-West Scotland: A Palaeoecological Evaluation of the Relative Roles of Atmospheric Contamination and Catchment Change for Two Acidified Sites with Non-Afforested Catchments. The Journal of Ecology, 77, 651-672.
  • Dobson, M. K. & Ibbotson, A. (1989) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Second Year: 1989. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-19. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College (University of London), London.
  • Jones, V. J., Stevenson, A. C. & Battarbee, R. W. (1989) Acidification of Lakes in Galloway, South West Scotland - A Diatom and Pollen Study of the Post-Glacial History of the Round Loch of Glenhead. Journal of Ecology, 77, 1-23.
  • Juggins, S., Watson, D., Waters, D., Patrick, S. T. & Jenkins, A. (1989) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Introduction and Data Report for 1988-1989 (year 1). Report to the DoE. 1-91. ENSIS Ltd, London.
  • Lancaster, J., Dobson, M. K. & Rundle, S. D. (1988) United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Invertebrate Survey. Summary of species identification and abundance. 1-19. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College (University of London), London.
  • Flower, R. J., Battarbee, R. W. & Appleby, P. G. (1987) The Recent Palaeolimnology of Acid Lakes in Galloway, South-West Scotland: Diatom Analysis, pH Trends, and the Role of Afforestation. The Journal of Ecology, 75, 797-823.
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